Monday, February 27, 2006

"Theyah mysogenatin, and they ain't even old timey!"

-The above quote is one of my favorites from "O Brother Where Art thou," which brings me to my first thought...

I don't like rap music and/or hip-hop. Never have, and I probably never will. That said, my sister-in-law gave us a mix she made and on it were two songs which reinforced my theory that I WOULD like rap/hip-hop if it actually had any music accompanying it. There was one of thos mix songs of "Man of Constant Sorrow" mixed with "Hollaback Girl" (I know, not exactly rap or hip-hop), and it actually sounds pretty good. But what impressed me even more, was how much I liked Nelly's "Country Grammar" when it was dubbed over "Sweet Home Alabama."

-I dug out my copy of Reel Big Fish's "Why Do They Rock So Hard" yesterday and played it while I was feeding BMMan Jr. That's a great album.

-Ok, I know that I may be alienating all of the people who read this and post on here (mainly because I can name most of you), but this really bugs me...

Hollywood liberals.

I'm a democrat. I voted for Clinton twice, Gore (I mean, how could you not vote for him, he invented the internet), and finally Kerry. I generally fall on the democrat side of most issues. That said, the ultra liberals in Hollywood (just as the ultra conservatives do) make me sick. It's one thing when someone intelligent speaks about their liberal views. I may not agree, but I realize that there is some intelligence and thought behind what they're saying. BUt actors and musicians should just shut-up. This is why I don't like it when actors and musicians end up getting political, because ultimately, I disagree with what they're saying and end up not likeing them anymore. Here are two classic examples, with the most recent and, to me, offensive:

GREEN DAY: I was never the biggest Green Day fan, but I always liked some of their stuff. However, they have alienated me forever with their idiotic (appropriately) American Idiot. If you want to be against the war, that's your prerogative (As Bobby Brown sang, "You can do what you want to do."). But then they have "Holiday" in which they compare Bush to Hitler. I find this insanely inappropriate and pretty offensive to boot. I don't like Bush and I think he's an idiot, but there is a galaxy of difference between Bush and Hitler and to even compare Bush to Hitler is just flat out wrong. Hey Green Day, if you think Bush is really like that, maybe you should leave the country and go live somewhere that'll be more accepting of you and your views. A-holes.

Tim Robbins and Suan Sarandon: Not offensive, just flat-out stupid. I saw an interview with them a few summers ago after the Baseball Hall of Fame uninvited them from a celebration they were having for the 15th Anniversary of the release of "Bull Durham." They were uninvited because of their stance on the war in Iraq. Robbins started spouting off about how the Hall of Fame was violating their Fourth Amendment rights. Oh really Tim? What did they illegally search and seize from you? Oh, wait, you meant the FIRST Amendment? My bad. Oh, that's right, they're a private organization, which means they can do whatever the hell they want. Before you get up on a soapbox and start spouting off your nonsense, try having an idea what you're talking about.


Blogger Boski93 said...

Green Day - they should be glad they have not been locked up for what they have done to music.

As for Tim Robbins, I think he was channeling Nuke at that point.

Rap Music has sucked since Ice Cube stopped being angry.

1:47 PM  
Blogger d said...

Rap used to have music behind it, and most of it was James Brown music, and that's the best music there is, which is by and large why rap music was so awesome.

Why should you give up your political voice just because you're famous enough that people will listen to you? Green Day are morons, and Bush is not Hitler. But that doesn't mean if a celebrity has an intelligent or valid political point they should silence it.

And what about all those right-wing sports stars? Should Sean Penn be quiet but Schilling campaign in Ohio for Bush?

(I'm mostly playing Devil's advocate with you. Except for your choice of baseball team, I know you're a good guy.)

12:14 PM  
Blogger GoodTimesDad said...

I think they should ALL be quiet, ESPECIALLY Schilling. I pretty squarely fall in the middle on a lot of issues and don't agree with the extreme on either side. The ultra-left wing makes me just as sick as the ultra-right and vice versa.

The point is, VERY rarely do any celebrities have an intelligent or valid point.

12:55 PM  
Blogger MMA Media Advantage said...

"Green Day - they should be glad they have not been locked up for what they have done to music."

That's f---ing gold. They haven't done anything worthwhile since "Library" and "2000 Light Years Away."

BTW, LOL at anyone who looks at Green Day for political guidence. They deserve a kick in the dick.

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa. issues man, issues.

8:44 AM  

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