Thursday, January 05, 2006

Up or Down?

Here’s something that’s bugged me for a long time...

Why do we (we being men) have to put the seat down when we’re done peeing? Why don’t women have to put the seat up when they’re done? Huh? I’ve never gotten a satisfactory answer to that.

The closest I’ve ever come to getting a good answer to this age-old question is "Well, if we have to go really badly and sit down without looking, and the seat is up, we’ll fall in or hurt ourselves!"

First off, where were the women who sat down without looking back when I was playing with a whoopie cushion? In fact, show me those women NOW and I’ll go out and buy a whoopie cushion.

Second, if you’re that stupid that you sit down without looking, I think you deserve to fall into the toilet.


Blogger MMA Media Advantage said...

I'm in favor of anything that leads to increased whoopie-cushion useage.

6:27 PM  
Blogger d said...

Here are some things I dropped into the toilet in 2005:

- a Q-tip
- my cell-phone
- a button off my shirt

I always put the seat down, not out of respect for the fairer gender, but to save me from myself.

8:57 AM  
Blogger MMA Media Advantage said...

Tobin, you must be using some HUGE q-tips, cell-phones, and shirt buttons if putting the seat down helps you avoid losing these things in the toilet.

10:26 PM  
Blogger d said...

Seat top, dude. Seat top.

8:25 AM  

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